A Life-Changing Book. . by Mony Singh
☆Honorable Mention Winner☆
@ The DIY Book Festival
@ The New York Book Festival
@ The New England Book Festival
@ The London. United Kingdom Book Festival
- Are you really living your life the way it was meant to be lived?
- Do you understand your place in the great plan?
- Is your own plan all you wanted it to be or have you followed a path you didn’t really want?
It is a fact that most of us are brought up to succeed in some way, to conform to what is expected, and to carry on doing so until we reach the end of our time. It is also a fact that somewhere along the way, we lose sight of the most important things in life, exchanging them for things we never really wanted. So what happens when you reach that point and where do you go when you realize your life isn’t what you wanted it to be?
In this book, White Lies, Dark Truth: Question Your Beliefs. Who Are You, Really? you will uncover many of the secrets that have led you to the point of your life you find yourself at, as well as why you got there, with chapters that explore:
- The white lie that is our lives
- The power of spoken words
- The secrets behind love and relationships
- Health and the healing of our bodies
- Money and politics
- Religion and spirituality
- Death and beyond
- And more…
Don’t be fooled by what you think is normal and what seems to be life as it is lived. There are many facets to the way we live and interact, that have merely been installed to confuse and distort. There is more to life than what is seen at face value and White Lies, Dark Truth will expose that to you.
Stop living your life based on outdated belief systems, With the Coronavirus Pandemic, the world is changing at a much faster pace. There is a strong need to dump the unnecessary past and imbibe new thoughts, ideas, and a new belief system that will take you to a higher state of consciousness.
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Bring a Change into your Life, take the First Step, You have Nothing to Lose
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